Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) <p><strong>Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU)</strong> ISSN: <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2809-1574</a> (cetak), ISSN: <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2809-1566</a> (online) adalah Media publikasi online jurnal prosiding SEMNASTEKMU yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer. Jurnal prosiding SEMNASTEKMU terbit dalam 1 edisi dalam setahun yaitu edisi Desember. Kontributor prosiding SEMNASTEKMU berasal dari peneliti, akademisi (dosen dan mahasiswa) dengan multi disiplin ilmu.</p> en-US (Edi Siswanto) (Tantik) Sat, 02 Dec 2023 04:03:15 +0000 OJS 60 Peran Strategi Orientasi Wirausaha, Orientasi Pasar Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Pada UMKM <p><em>The contribution of MSMEs to economic growth means that MSME performance needs to be improved. In this case, there are many factors that must be considered in improving the performance of MSMEs, such as entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation, so this research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the significant influence of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on business performance in MSMEs. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach. The samples taken were 50 MSME business people assisted by the Surabaya City Trade Office. Data collection in this research was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research show that entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation have a significant influence, both partially and simultaneously, on business performance in MSMEs.</em></p> Achmad Daengs GS, Rina Dewi, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Bambang Karnain, Enny Istanti Copyright (c) Sat, 02 Dec 2023 04:03:03 +0000 Peran Masayarakat Dalam Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan. <p><em>Environmental law enforcement cannot be implemented properly, this is because environmental law material contains various legal materials and norms that differ in perception, so that the impression appears as if they are unable to carry out the legal function properly and correctly. The emergence of various environmental problems is clear evidence of the inability to enforce environmental law as outlined in the law, one of the reasons is the lack of community participation in enforcing environmental law. Related to this, problems arise, what is the role of society in enforcing environmental law, as well as the obstacles faced in enforcing environmental law. To answer this problem, there needs to be consistency from various parties related to environmental law enforcement itself, starting from statutory regulations, implementing officials and community participation. The community has an important role in enforcing environmental laws, therefore the community needs to be invited to continue to monitor and report various forms of violations of the environment and existing natural resources. The community has duties and obligations in enforcing and managing the environment, this is because they are parties affected by the development process which often has an impact on environmental sustainability. Realizing the importance of community involvement in environmental protection and management, Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management (UUPPLH) has also provided several general provisions for the public to proceed in court using the right to sue representatives, as regulated in Articles 90 to 92 of the law. On this basis, the community can play an active role in enforcing environmental laws. With a model of community control and supervision, violators can be careful in carrying out activities that can pose environmental risks, it is through the community that supervision can also be carried out, so that the environment can be preserved and intact.</em></p> Kunarto Kunarto, Budi Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2023 Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 10:13:59 +0000 Reintegrasi Sosial Dalam Sistem Pemasyarakatan Sebagai Visi Pemidanaan Dalam Hukum Nasional <p><em>The government has stipulated RI Law no. 1 of 2023 concerning the Criminal Code (KUHP) as a form of legal political policy in social, national and state life that upholds Human Rights (HAM). The material of the National Criminal Code regulates the balance between the interests of victims and perpetrators, in line with restorative justice and not based on retributive theory, namely crime as a means of revenge. Even though the perpetrator of a criminal act is subject to sanctions/punishment, these "sanctions" are a correction of the mistakes committed. This research aims to analyze the concept of social reintegration in the correctional system as a vision of punishment in national law. Using secondary data sources supported by primary data, it is then presented in a qualitative descriptive manner. The development of prisoners in correctional institutions (Lapas) is based on a rehabilitative philosophy (UU No. 12 of 1995 Jo. UU No. 22 of 2022), namely the aim of punishment is to return criminals to society and to reduce the tendency to be involved in crime in the future. Meanwhile, the vision of punishment in national law is Social Reintegration as a replacement for the concept of retaliation or deterrence where perpetrators of criminal acts are given a second (2) chance to become good human beings, it is hoped that after serving the sentence they can return to society and not repeat the crime. This concept also strengthens the concept of restorative justice adopted in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System and the renewal of national criminal law.</em></p> Sri Wulandari Copyright (c) 2023 Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Mon, 04 Dec 2023 14:41:47 +0000 Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Bagi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan <p><em>Natural resource management policies are not carried out by exploiting natural resources. irrationally which will result in the destruction of natural resources, a damaged living environment, on the contrary, policies in managing natural resources are directed at maintaining their sustainability which will realize sustainable development with an environmental perspective that can be utilized. for present and future generations. Fostering long-term development concludes a just, prosperous society based on Pancasila which contains the characteristics of human relations with society and humans with their environment.</em></p> Yasminingrum Yasminingrum Copyright (c) 2023 Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:50:37 +0000 Pengaruh Harga Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Skincare Skintific <p><em>The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of price and product quality on purchase decisions, focusing on the skincare product Skintific. This research utilizes a descriptive quantitative approach. The data used consists of primary data obtained through surveys using questionnaires given to respondents, as well as secondary data collected through internet searches and references from previous studies relevant to this research topic. The subjects of this research are female university students in Makassar who have purchased and used Skintific skincare products. Non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling approach was employed to select 100 participants for this study. The findings of this research indicate that both price and product quality, separately and together, have a significant influence on the purchase decision of Skintific skincare products.</em></p> Ardi Goeliling, Ni Nyoman Devi , Ariyani Goeliling , Romansyah Sahabuddin , Arya Pering Arimbawa , Fatmawati A Rahman , A Fadel Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Sun, 07 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Manejemen Laba Perusahaan Di Indonesia <p><em>Research with the title "Analysis of earnings management in Indonesia" with a qualitative descriptive research method using secondary data taken from existing data sources and existing instruments. Here there is a discussion about how to analyze the development of earnings management in Indonesia and also the aim of this research is to prove and analyze the influence of earnings management in Indonesia for a company that must be registered on the IDX and there is also a basic concept of earnings management including an understanding of how a company can utilize the research methods provided to improve financial performance more flexibly by involving practices such as preparing reserves, determining methods that influence profits and involving the consequences of weaknesses or risks that exist in these profits.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dwi Nur Fadillah, Maya Macia Sari, Khaela Febrianti, Nur Hafizah Fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisa Yuridis terhadap Pemegang Merek Dagang UMKM Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No.20 Tahun 2016 Tentang Hak Merek dan Indikasi Geografis <p><em>The legal protection given to trademark certificate holders is that the trademark is valid for a period of 10 years and the only registered trademark owner has the rights to the trademark and cannot be changed without the trademark owner's permission. Law enforcement provided by the Trademark and Geographical Indications Law is criminal and civil. There are other alternatives, namely through arbitration and alternative dispute resolution with the concept of a win - win solution.</em></p> Eddy Ramon Torong, Adi Sulistiyono Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Mon, 11 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000